Pupo Fernandes email & phone information | Professor De Futebol, Education, Professor in Clube Atlético Paulistano (2018-01 - Now)

Pupo Fernandes (51 years old)
Professor De Futebol, Education, Professor in Clube Atlético Paulistano (2018-01 - Now)
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Pupo Fernandes jobs:
Professor De Futebol, Education, Professor in Clube Atlético Paulistano (2018-01 - Now)
Professor De Educaã Ã O Fã Sica, Education, Professor in Cb Coc (2018-01 - Now)
Proprietã Rio in Futebolístico O Esporte Que Ensina (2017-04 - Now)
Proprietario in Escola De Futebol Tio Pupo (2006 - Now)
Proprietã Rio - Futebolistico
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Pupo Fernandes locations:
Botucatu, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Sorocaba, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Pupo Fernandes contact information:
3p****.*****@h******.com + 2 more
5linkedin + 4 more
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