Purty Sinha email & phone information | Oracle Application Consultant in R Systems (2011-05 - Now)

Purty Sinha (64 years old)
Oracle Application Consultant in R Systems (2011-05 - Now)
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Purty Sinha jobs:
Oracle Application Consultant in R Systems (2011-05 - Now)
Application Dba in Monsanto Company (2007-04 - 2012-08)
Project Leader in R Systems (2002-12 - 2007-02)
Consultant in Niit Limited (2000 - 2001)
Engineer, Engineering in Escorts Limited (2000 - 2000)
Purty Sinha locations:
**.*******, -**.*******
Mo, Saint Louis, ***** Riaza Sq Apt *
United States, New Jersey, West New York
United States, Missouri, Saint Louis
United States, Oregon, Portland
+ 6 more
Purty Sinha contact information:
2p*********@y****.co.in + 1 more
2linkedin + 1 more
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