Pyung Soo Kim email & phone information | Martial Art Director, Design in Saba (1968-01 - Now)

Pyung Soo Kim (42 years old)
Martial Art Director, Design in Saba (1968-01 - Now)
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Pyung Soo Kim jobs:
Martial Art Director, Design in Saba (1968-01 - Now)
Founder And President in Int Chayon-Ryu Hq Kim Soo Karate (1968-01 - Now)
Founder And President in International Chayon-Ryu Martial Arts Association (1968-01 - Now)
Faculty in University Of Houston Central And Rice University (1974-09 - Now)
Faculty in Dong Eui University S Korea (2011 - 2013-09)
Pyung Soo Kim locations:
Houston, Texas, United States
**.******, -**.******
**** Sage Rd Apt ****, Houston Tx *****-****
Tx, Houston, **** Jacquelyn Dr
Pyung Soo Kim contact information:
3+17*******66 + 2 more
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