S Kom Yusny Zarwansyah email & phone information | It Specialyst, Engineering, Information_Technology in Pt Maulana Yahya Consulting (2003-06 - 2006-12)

S Kom Yusny Zarwansyah
It Specialyst, Engineering, Information_Technology in Pt Maulana Yahya Consulting (2003-06 - 2006-12)
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S Kom Yusny Zarwansyah jobs:
It Specialyst, Engineering, Information_Technology in Pt Maulana Yahya Consulting (2003-06 - 2006-12)
Lecture, Education, Professor in Lp3I Cabang Banda Aceh (1999-08 - 2001-08)
Speaker in Lokakarya Analisis Dan Desain Sistem Informasi Berbantuan Komputer (2001-05 - 2001-05)
Speaker in Lokakarya Internet E-Government & E-Commerce (2000-12 - 2000-12)
Speaker in Lokakarya Sistem Basis Data (2000-12 - 2000-12)
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S Kom Yusny Zarwansyah contact information:
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