Tabatha Ferreira email & phone information | Manufacturing Engineer, Engineering in Putnam Plastics (2017-05-22 - Now)

Tabatha Ferreira (32 years old)
Manufacturing Engineer, Engineering in Putnam Plastics (2017-05-22 - Now)
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Tabatha Ferreira jobs:
Manufacturing Engineer, Engineering in Putnam Plastics (2017-05-22 - Now)
Technical Sales Intern, Sales, Accounts in Mitsui & Co., Ltd. (2016-06 - 2016-08)
Waitress in Grazie Woodfired Grille (2014-06 - 2016-06)
Office Assistant in Nova Enineering (2014-06 - 2014-09)
Financial Services Representative, Finance in Service Credit Union (2012-08 - 2014-05)
Tabatha Ferreira locations:
United States, Massachusetts, Lowell
United States, Massachusetts, Holden
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester
United States, Massachusetts, Lowell
United States, Massachusetts, Millbury
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Tabatha Ferreira contact information:
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