Tabbatha Diaz Lagares email & phone information | Radiologic Technologist Full-Time in First Choice Emergency Room (2014-05 - Now)

Tabbatha Diaz Lagares
Radiologic Technologist Full-Time in First Choice Emergency Room (2014-05 - Now)
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Tabbatha Diaz Lagares jobs:
Radiologic Technologist Full-Time in First Choice Emergency Room (2014-05 - Now)
Radiologic Technologist And Ct Technician in Houston Methodist (2011 - Now)
Houston Community College
Radiographer And Ct Technician in The Emergency Center At Katy Main Street (2013-06 - 2014-10)
Radiologic Technologist And Ct Technician in Sacred Heart Emergancy Center (2012 - 2014-08)
+ 3 more
Tabbatha Diaz Lagares locations:
**** Aubergine Springs Ln, Katy Tx *****-****
Houston, Texas, United States
***** Don Gil St, Houston Tx *****-****
B'Houston, Texas'
Tabbatha Diaz Lagares contact information:
2+17*******20 + 1 more
3t***********@y****.com + 2 more
4linkedin + 3 more
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