Tabitha Rosser email & phone information | General Manager in Barnes And Noble Education (2016-08 - Now)

Tabitha Rosser (53 years old)
General Manager in Barnes And Noble Education (2016-08 - Now)
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Tabitha Rosser jobs:
General Manager in Barnes And Noble Education (2016-08 - Now)
Store Director in Saks Fifth Avenue Off 5Th (2014-07 - 2016-06)
Brand And Delivery in Victorias Secret Stores (2014-02-01 - 2014-07-01)
Store Manager in Nordstrom (2010-06 - 2011-12)
Lingerie District Manager Az, Co,Nv, Ut, And San Diego in Nordstrom (2002-07 - 2010-06)
Tabitha Rosser locations:
United States, California, Rancho Cucamonga
United States, California, Alta Loma
United States, California, Rancho Cucamonga
United States, California, Rancho Cucamonga
United States, Nevada, Henderson
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Tabitha Rosser contact information:
5+19*******57 + 4 more
3t******.******@n********.com + 2 more
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