Tania Castro email & phone information | Business Developer, Sales, Business_Development in Souto E Castro Consultoria (2015-01 - Now)

Tania Castro
Business Developer, Sales, Business_Development in Souto E Castro Consultoria (2015-01 - Now)
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Tania Castro jobs:
Business Developer, Sales, Business_Development in Souto E Castro Consultoria (2015-01 - Now)
Gestor Outros Mercados in Ibermetais (2012-05 - 2014-12)
Responsã Vel Logistica, Operations, Logistics in Cork Supply Portugal (2007-09 - 2012-05)
Assistente Comercial - Sector Actividade: Industria Textil in Product Masters (2004-09 - 2006-06)
Tradutora in Sandeman (1998-07 - 1998-09)
Tania Castro contact information:
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