Tania Costa email & phone information | Graphic And Web Designer, Design, Web_Design in Sinergica Design (2017-10 - Now)

Tania Costa
Graphic And Web Designer, Design, Web_Design in Sinergica Design (2017-10 - Now)
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Tania Costa jobs:
Graphic And Web Designer, Design, Web_Design in Sinergica Design (2017-10 - Now)
Teacher, Education, Teacher in Miur (2014-09 - Now)
Graphic And Web Designer, Design, Web_Design in The Docks (2015-09 - 2017-09)
Teaching Assistant in Università Degli Studi Di Genova (2014-09 - 2016-09)
Web Designer | Photographer, Design, Web_Design in Guido Lotti_Aglarchitects (2013-12 - 2015-11)
+ 5 more
Tania Costa contact information:
2t****.*****@t*******.it + 1 more
2linkedin + 1 more
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