Tania Martins email & phone information | Secretary| Human Resources Management And Development Knowledge Pillar, Human_Resources in Association For Strategic Planning - Iberia (2015-11 - Now)

Tania Martins
Secretary| Human Resources Management And Development Knowledge Pillar, Human_Resources in Association For Strategic Planning - Iberia (2015-11 - Now)
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Tania Martins jobs:
Secretary| Human Resources Management And Development Knowledge Pillar, Human_Resources in Association For Strategic Planning - Iberia (2015-11 - Now)
Studentsâ Support Office Coordinator, Customer_Service, Support in Escola Superior De Saúde De Santa Maria (2012-03 - Now)
Studentsâ Support Office Coordinator, Customer_Service, Support in Escola Superior De Enfermagem De Santa Maria (2012-03 - Now)
Psychologist in Associação A Casa Do Caminho (2011-03 - 2011-12)
Vice President in Fap Federação Académica Do Porto (2010-01 - 2011-01)
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Tania Martins contact information:
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Other profiles
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Dim in Jaba
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