Uday Kumar email & phone information | Chief Manager in M/S Sunrock Cos (2013-01 - Now)

Uday Kumar
Chief Manager in M/S Sunrock Cos (2013-01 - Now)
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Uday Kumar jobs:
Chief Manager in M/S Sunrock Cos (2013-01 - Now)
Deputy Chief Manager in Vrl Media Limited - India (2012-07 - 2012-10)
Circulation Manager in Business Standard (2011-11 - 2012-06)
Manager Circulation in Diligent Media Corporation Ltd,Mumbai (2008-09 - 2011-03)
Asst.Manager in Bennett Coleman And Co. Ltd. (Times Group) (2006-08 - 2008-08)
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Uday Kumar contact information:
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Other profiles
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