Uday Naik email & phone information | Chief Executive Officer in Ge Triveni (2017-04 - Now)

Uday Naik
Chief Executive Officer in Ge Triveni (2017-04 - Now)
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Uday Naik jobs:
Chief Executive Officer in Ge Triveni (2017-04 - Now)
Vice President - Business Development Asia, Sales, Business_Development in Dresser-Rand (2015-07 - 2017-04)
Regional Sales Director - Turbo Machinery, Sales, Accounts in Siemens (2012-07 - 2015-07)
Senior Technical Sales Manager - Turbomachinery, Sales, Accounts in Ge (2006 - 2012-07)
Sales Manager - Rotating Equipment, Sales, Accounts in Oman Oilfields Supply Center Llc (1999-09 - 2006-10)
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Uday Naik contact information:
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