Uwe Vogel email & phone information | Project Consultant in Vdi/Vde Innovation + Technik Gmbh (2018-07 - Now)

Uwe Vogel
Project Consultant in Vdi/Vde Innovation + Technik Gmbh (2018-07 - Now)
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Uwe Vogel jobs:
Project Consultant in Vdi/Vde Innovation + Technik Gmbh (2018-07 - Now)
Project Leader, Postdoctoral Research Scientist, Education, Researcher in Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin (2016-08 - 2018-06)
Researcher, Phd Candidate, Education, Researcher in Leibniz Institute For Solid State And Materials Research (2011-04 - 2016-04)
Student Research Assistant, Education, Researcher in Fraunhofer Ipms (2008-01 - 2008-06)
Student Intern in Amd (2007-04 - 2007-09)
+ 2 more
Uwe Vogel contact information:
2u.*****@i**-*******.de + 1 more
2linkedin + 1 more
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