Vacirca Vaughn email & phone information | Independent Contractor: Freelance Virtual

Vacirca Vaughn (47 years old)
Independent Contractor: Freelance Virtual
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Vacirca Vaughn jobs:
Independent Contractor: Freelance Virtual
Dining And Events Manager, Public_Relations, Events in Lake Toxaway Country Club (2009 - Now)
Independent Contractor: Freelance Virtual Administrative Assistant, Writer, Editor, And Designer, Media, Editorial in Vacirca’S Creative Services (2011-02 - Now)
Front Of House Manager in The Square Root Restaurant (2014 - 2016)
Head Server And Assistant Dining Manager in The Greystone Inn (2012-04 - 2014-11)
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Vacirca Vaughn locations:
United States, New York, Mount Vernon
**.******, -**.******
United States, Georgia, Jefferson
**.******, -**.******
United States, Georgia, Gainesville
+ 22 more
Vacirca Vaughn contact information:
9+19*******73 + 8 more
10v************@g****.com + 9 more
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