Vaclav Pelnař email & phone information | Inå¾Enã½R Kvality in Kovárna Viva A.S. (2018-02 - Now)

Vaclav Pelnař
Inå¾Enã½R Kvality in Kovárna Viva A.S. (2018-02 - Now)
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Vaclav Pelnař jobs:
Inå¾Enã½R Kvality in Kovárna Viva A.S. (2018-02 - Now)
Vedoucã Oddä Lenã Kvality And Quality Manager in Alper A.S. (2019-03 - Now)
Manaå¾Er Kvality in Mollificio Cappeller Neinsa (2015-06 - 2018-01)
Vedoucã Kontroly Kvality in Leroy Somer (2012-03 - 2015-05)
Manaå¾Er Kvality A Bezpeä Nosti in Zeveta Bojkovice A.S (2005-05 - 2012-03)
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