Vadim Aleynikov email & phone information | Shipping Guru in Shipping Guru (2016-10 - Now)

Vadim Aleynikov (61 years old)
Shipping Guru in Shipping Guru (2016-10 - Now)
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Vadim Aleynikov jobs:
Shipping Guru in Shipping Guru (2016-10 - Now)
Chief Specialist, Logistics, Customs And Foreign Economic Activity, Operations, Logistics in Tulachermet Steel (2014-09-01 - 2016-10)
Logistics Specialist, Zao 'Csr', Operations, Logistics in Zao Csr (2011-08 - 2014-04)
Business Development Manager, Sales, Business_Development in Felbermayr (Russia) (2010-09 - 2010-11)
Business Development Manager, Sales, Business_Development in Sw Trans Group (2009-02 - 2010-03)
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Vadim Aleynikov contact information:
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