Vadim Shevtsov email & phone information | Decorator in Www.Otdelka.Dp.Ua (2011-09-01 - Now)

Vadim Shevtsov (45 years old)
Decorator in Www.Otdelka.Dp.Ua (2011-09-01 - Now)
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Vadim Shevtsov jobs:
Decorator in Www.Otdelka.Dp.Ua (2011-09-01 - Now)
Supervisor For Interior Decoration And Faã Â Ade in Construction Company"Skelyabudinvest (2007-07 - 2011-10)
Vadim Shevtsov locations:
Ukraine, Dnipro, Depot №** (Up To ** Kg Per One Unit): Prosp. Slobozhans'Kyj (Ran. Gazety "Pravda")
Vadim Shevtsov contact information:
3+38********94 + 2 more
2e****.*********@g****.com + 1 more
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