Vadivel Subramaniam email & phone information | Head Of Pvc Operations, Operations in Tci Sanmar Chemicals Sae (2017-06 - Now)

Vadivel Subramaniam
Head Of Pvc Operations, Operations in Tci Sanmar Chemicals Sae (2017-06 - Now)
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Vadivel Subramaniam jobs:
Head Of Pvc Operations, Operations in Tci Sanmar Chemicals Sae (2017-06 - Now)
Manager - Technical in Sabic (1998-04 - 2017-05)
Manager - Pvc Production, Media in Reliance Industries India (1994-07 - 1998-04)
Manager Operations, Operations in Protchem Industries (1988-07 - 1994-06)
Senior Operations Officer, Operations in Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (1986 - 1988)
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Vadivel Subramaniam contact information:
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