Valter Silva email & phone information | Diretor Administrativo in Vns Consulting (2014-01 - Now)

Valter Silva
Diretor Administrativo in Vns Consulting (2014-01 - Now)
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Valter Silva jobs:
Diretor Administrativo in Vns Consulting (2014-01 - Now)
Analista De Sistemas, Redes E Professor, Education, Professor in Rede La Salle (1997-08 - Now)
Professor Ensino Superior, Education, Professor in Ftec Faculdades (2007-08 - Now)
Professor, Education, Professor in Rede Notre Dame Colégio Maria Auxiliadora (1998-02 - 2014-04)
Professor E Coordenador De Curso, Education, Professor in Sociedade Porvir Cientifico - Rede La Salle E Ensino (1997-08 - 2009-09)
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Valter Silva contact information:
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