Vania Serapicos email & phone information | Jurista And Lawyer And Gestor De Processos And Expert, Legal, Lawyer in Infarmed, I.P. (2011 - Now)

Vania Serapicos
Jurista And Lawyer And Gestor De Processos And Expert, Legal, Lawyer in Infarmed, I.P. (2011 - Now)
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Vania Serapicos jobs:
Jurista And Lawyer And Gestor De Processos And Expert, Legal, Lawyer in Infarmed, I.P. (2011 - Now)
Inspetor And Inspector in Infarmed, I.P. (2013-07 - Now)
Responsã Vel Implementaã Ã O Dispositivos De Seguranã A Medicamentos And National Expert Safety Features in Infarmed, I.P. (2016-09 - Now)
Trainee Lawyer And Advogado Estagiã Rio, Legal, Lawyer in Nuno Gonçalves Manuel Hortas & Associados Sociedade De Advogados Rl (2009-04 - 2010-12)
Vania Serapicos contact information:
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