Veronique Blanchard email & phone information | Business Development - Responsable Communication à Vã Nementielle, Sales, Business_Development in Ludéric Evénement (2016-04 - Now)

Veronique Blanchard
Business Development - Responsable Communication à Vã Nementielle, Sales, Business_Development in Ludéric Evénement (2016-04 - Now)
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Veronique Blanchard jobs:
Business Development - Responsable Communication à Vã Nementielle, Sales, Business_Development in Ludéric Evénement (2016-04 - Now)
Assistant To The Consul General In Charge Of
Responsable Organisation Gã Nã Rale, Communication Et Team Manager in Ibanez Racing (2015-01 - 2015-12)
Chargã E De Mission Communication Et Organisation Evã Nementielle in Ong Jane Goodall Tendaguru Wildlife Trust (2009-06 - 2011-12)
Chef De Projet Evã Nementiel in Congrès Icact Organisé Par Le Pr D Khayat (2006-12 - 2009-06)
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