Veronique Thomas email & phone information | Directrice Qualitã Et Rse, Dpo in Groupe Sii (2010-07 - Now)

Veronique Thomas
Directrice Qualitã Et Rse, Dpo in Groupe Sii (2010-07 - Now)
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Veronique Thomas jobs:
Directrice Qualitã Et Rse, Dpo in Groupe Sii (2010-07 - Now)
Chapter Officer in Pmi (2003 - 2012)
Process And Quality Manager in Freescale Semiconductor (2004-06 - 2010-10)
Program Manager Hardware And Software, Engineering, Software in Motorola Toulouse (2001-09 - 2004-06)
Program Controller And Quality Manager, Operations in Freescale Semiconductor (1995-06 - 2001-09)
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Veronique Thomas contact information:
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