Victor Candel email & phone information | Blogger, Formador Y Conferenciante in Victorcandel.Com (2012-09 - Now)

Victor Candel
Blogger, Formador Y Conferenciante in Victorcandel.Com (2012-09 - Now)
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Victor Candel jobs:
Blogger, Formador Y Conferenciante in Victorcandel.Com (2012-09 - Now)
Docente Colaborador in Universidad Ceu Cardenal Herrera (2017-02 - Now)
Director De Recursos Humanos | Rrhh  Automociã³N  Aftermarket in Gs Autobat (Grupo Silvestre) (2019-03 - Now)
Responsable Selecciã³N, Formaciã³N Y Desarrollo  Talent Acquisition And Employer Branding Specialist, Human_Resources, Recruiting in Gs Autobat (Grupo Silvestre) (2018-09 - 2019-02)
Coordinador Y Docente Del Programa Superior De Transformaciã³N Digital En Gestiã³N De Rrhh in University Of Alicante (2017-06 - 2018-11)
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Victor Candel contact information:
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