Victor Coronado email & phone information | Product Development And Product Manager Api Distribution, Operations, Logistics in Hoteldo (2018-11 - Now)

Victor Coronado
Product Development And Product Manager Api Distribution, Operations, Logistics in Hoteldo (2018-11 - Now)
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Victor Coronado jobs:
Product Development And Product Manager Api Distribution, Operations, Logistics in Hoteldo (2018-11 - Now)
Xml Manager in Hoteldo (2017-07 - 2018-11)
Xml Support Lead, Customer_Service, Support in Hoteldo (2016-01 - 2017-06)
Development Team Leader in Dotnet (2014-02 - 2016-01)
Xml Support Agent, Customer_Service, Support in Hotelbeds Group (2012-04 - 2014-02)
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Victor Coronado contact information:
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