Victor Moya email & phone information | Business Development Manager Public Sector, Sales, Business_Development

Victor Moya
Business Development Manager Public Sector, Sales, Business_Development
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Victor Moya jobs:
Business Development Manager Public Sector, Sales, Business_Development
Asesorã As Estratã Gicas De Tecnologã As De Informaciã³N Y Gestion De Proyectos Complejos in Varios Clientes (2014-11-01 - Now)
Business Development Manager Public Sector, Sales, Business_Development in Red Hat (2019-07 - Now)
Ejecutivo Comercial Clientes Estrategicos - Industria Gobierno in Intellego (2013 - 2014)
Gerente Comercial in Grupo Datco (2011-10 - 2012-08)
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Victor Moya contact information:
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