Victor Ordonez email & phone information | Chief Executive Officer in Vh Biotechnology, Inc. (2009-04-01 - 2016-12-09)

Victor Ordonez (60 years old)
Chief Executive Officer in Vh Biotechnology, Inc. (2009-04-01 - 2016-12-09)
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Victor Ordonez jobs:
Chief Executive Officer in Vh Biotechnology, Inc. (2009-04-01 - 2016-12-09)
Business Development, Sales, Business_Development in Dyadic International, Inc. (1999-09 - 2007-06)
Business Development, Sales, Business_Development in Inelectra (1998-04 - 1999-08)
Business Development, Sales, Business_Development in Foster Wheeler (1991-04 - 1998-03)
Victor Ordonez locations:
Houston, Texas, United States
United States, Texas, Houston
United States, Texas, League City
Victor Ordonez contact information:
2+17*******35 + 1 more
2g*****@a**.com + 1 more
2linkedin + 1 more
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