Victor Pantoja email & phone information | Senior Backend Developer, Engineering in Grape Ukraine (2018-02 - Now)

Victor Pantoja
Senior Backend Developer, Engineering in Grape Ukraine (2018-02 - Now)
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Victor Pantoja jobs:
Senior Backend Developer, Engineering in Grape Ukraine (2018-02 - Now)
Senior Full Stack Web Developer, Engineering, Web in Sonar Cyber Intelligence Gmbh (2017-12 - 2018-01)
Software Developer, Engineering, Software in Ubimet (2016-03 - 2017-11)
Software Developer Specialist, Engineering, Software in Globo.Com (2015-03 - 2016-02)
Software Developer, Engineering, Software in Globo.Com (2008-05 - 2012-02)
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Victor Pantoja contact information:
4v*****.*******@g****.com + 3 more
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