Victor Roman email & phone information | Staff Software Engineer, Engineering, Software in Tesla (2018-12 - Now)

Victor Roman (66 years old)
Staff Software Engineer, Engineering, Software in Tesla (2018-12 - Now)
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Victor Roman jobs:
Staff Software Engineer, Engineering, Software in Tesla (2018-12 - Now)
Coursera in San Francisco Bay Area
Software Engineering Team Lead, Engineering, Software in Tesla (2016-07 - 2017-02)
Senior Software Engineer, Engineering, Software in Tesla (2015-11 - 2016-06)
Web Application Engineer, Engineering in Tesla (2015-03 - 2015-10)
+ 3 more
Victor Roman locations:
**** S El Camino Real # ***, San Mateo Ca *****-****
San Francisco, California, United States
**** W County **Th St, Yuma, Az
United States, Arizona, Yuma
United States, Arizona, Yuma
Victor Roman contact information:
3+16*******27 + 2 more
4b**********@a**.com + 3 more
4linkedin + 3 more
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