Vitor Camargo email & phone information | Supply Chain Management Consultant | Sap, Operations, Logistics

Vitor Camargo
Supply Chain Management Consultant | Sap, Operations, Logistics
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Vitor Camargo jobs:
Supply Chain Management Consultant | Sap, Operations, Logistics
Pesquisador Acadãªmico in Universidade Federal De Uberlandia
Mestrando Em Engenharia Quã Mica in Universidade Federal De Uberlândia - Ufu (2016-08 - Now)
Professor, Education, Professor in Universidade Federal De Uberlândia
Supply Chain Management Consultant | Sap Ibp, Operations, Logistics in Exed Consulting (2019-02 - Now)
+ 6 more
Vitor Camargo locations:
Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Ituiutaba, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Vitor Camargo contact information:
2v****.*@t**** + 1 more
8linkedin + 7 more
Other profiles
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