Vitor Cruz email & phone information | Key Account Manager And Tenders, Sales, Accounts in Laboratories Pfizer (2011-07-01 - Now)

Vitor Cruz
Key Account Manager And Tenders, Sales, Accounts in Laboratories Pfizer (2011-07-01 - Now)
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Vitor Cruz jobs:
Key Account Manager And Tenders, Sales, Accounts in Laboratories Pfizer (2011-07-01 - Now)
Key Account Manager - Team Leader, Sales, Accounts in Pfizer (2010-01 - 2011-06)
Key Account Manager, Sales, Accounts in Pfizer (2007 - 2009)
Delegado Hospitalar in Pfizer (2004 - 2007)
Sales Representative, Sales, Accounts in Pharmacia Corporation (1999 - 2003)
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