Vivian Fernandes email & phone information | Analista De Sistemas Junior in Linx S.A. (2015-11 - 2016-04)

Vivian Fernandes
Analista De Sistemas Junior in Linx S.A. (2015-11 - 2016-04)
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Vivian Fernandes jobs:
Analista De Sistemas Junior in Linx S.A. (2015-11 - 2016-04)
Analista De Implantaã Ã O Erp in Mstech (2013-09 - 2015-03)
Atendimento Ao Cliente - Help Desk in Uolhost (2010-03 - 2013-01)
Analista De Crã Dito in Lojas Renner (2009-10 - 2010-01)
Auxiliar Administrativo in Banco Mercantil Do Brasil (2009 - 2009)
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Vivian Fernandes contact information:
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