Věrka Urbanova email & phone information | Back Office Manaå¾Er in Euronics Zábřeh (2017-07 - Now)

Věrka Urbanova
Back Office Manaå¾Er in Euronics Zábřeh (2017-07 - Now)
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Věrka Urbanova jobs:
Back Office Manaå¾Er in Euronics Zábřeh (2017-07 - Now)
Organizã Tor Vzdä Lã Vacã Ch Seminã Å Å And Obchodnã Ä Innost And Dotaä Nã Poradenstvã in Asi Informační Technologie S.R.O (2013-09 - 2017-06)
Marketing, Marketing in Sulko S.R.O. (2009-01 - 2013-05)
Projektovã½ Manaå¾Er in Sulko S.R.O. (2008-01 - 2008-12)
Asistentka Obchodnã Ho Å Editele in Sulko S.R.O. (2004-09 - 2008-01)
Věrka Urbanova contact information:
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