Xavier Puig email & phone information | Product Manager Life Sciences Instrumentation, Operations, Product in Sauermann Group (2019-10 - Now)

Xavier Puig
Product Manager Life Sciences Instrumentation, Operations, Product in Sauermann Group (2019-10 - Now)
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Xavier Puig jobs:
Product Manager Life Sciences Instrumentation, Operations, Product in Sauermann Group (2019-10 - Now)
Product Specialist, Operations, Product in Sauermann Group (2018-01 - 2019-10)
Sales Engineer, Sales, Accounts in Sauermann Group (2012-06 - 2017-12)
Sales Engineer, Sales, Accounts in Kimo Instruments Spain (2010-03 - 2012-05)
Sales Representative, Sales, Accounts in Rs Amidata (2008-04 - 2009-04)
+ 3 more
Xavier Puig contact information:
2x*******@g****.com + 1 more
2linkedin + 1 more
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