Xavier Thomas email & phone information | Responsable Departement Immobilier in Groupe Agrica (2018-01 - Now)

Xavier Thomas
Responsable Departement Immobilier in Groupe Agrica (2018-01 - Now)
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Xavier Thomas jobs:
Responsable Departement Immobilier in Groupe Agrica (2018-01 - Now)
Dirigeant Api Conseil in Api-Conseil (2012 - 2017)
Directeur Asset Management, Finance, Investment in Grosvenor Group (2011-09 - 2012-08)
Head Of Department - Property Management, Real_Estate, Property_Management in Savills (1999 - 2010)
Responsable Juridique Immobilier in Gap Inc. (1996 - 1999)
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Xavier Thomas contact information:
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