Xavier Ward email & phone information | Assistant Asset Protection Manager in Macy'S (2016-07 - Now)

Xavier Ward (47 years old)
Assistant Asset Protection Manager in Macy'S (2016-07 - Now)
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Xavier Ward jobs:
Assistant Asset Protection Manager in Macy'S (2016-07 - Now)
Saks Fifth Avenue
Area Manager in Walmart Distribution Center
Asset Protection Investigator in Saks Fifth Avenue (2013-12 - 2016-07)
Loss Prevention Investigator in Neiman Marcus (2011-04 - 2013-12)
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Xavier Ward locations:
**** Hidden Winds Dr, Spring Tx *****-****
Houston, Texas, United States
***** Whispering Star Ct, Houston Tx *****-****
**.******, -**.******
Tx, Spring, ***** Forbes Field Trl
+ 3 more
Xavier Ward contact information:
5+18*******26 + 4 more
5x*****@h******.com + 4 more
4facebook + 3 more
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