Xavier Wenger 郝小生 email & phone information | Ship Broker - Capesize Desk, Finance in Ifchor Group (2019-05 - Now)

Xavier Wenger 郝小生
Ship Broker - Capesize Desk, Finance in Ifchor Group (2019-05 - Now)
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Xavier Wenger 郝小生 jobs:
Ship Broker - Capesize Desk, Finance in Ifchor Group (2019-05 - Now)
Client Acquisition Team, Financial Institutions Coverage, Finance in Societe Generale Corporate And Investment Banking - Sgcib (2015-11 - 2019-04)
Assistant Project Manager  International Sales And Marketing Direction, Sales, Accounts in Bnp Paribas Personal Finance (2014-05 - 2014-08)
Assistant Relationship Manager  Corporate Banking Department, Finance in Industrial And Commercial Bank Of China (2014-01 - 2014-04)
Junior Consultant  International Affairs Division in U.S. Chamber Of Commerce (2013-06 - 2013-11)
+ 4 more
Xavier Wenger 郝小生 contact information:
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