Xhafer Rama email & phone information | Software Developer, Engineering, Software in Blue Raster (2018-06 - Now)

Xhafer Rama
Software Developer, Engineering, Software in Blue Raster (2018-06 - Now)
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Xhafer Rama jobs:
Software Developer, Engineering, Software in Blue Raster (2018-06 - Now)
Software Engineer, Engineering, Software in Nasa Goddard Space Flight Center (2017-05 - 2018-06)
Head Of Mathematics Lab, Education, Researcher in Berea College (2013-08 - 2017-05)
Machine Learning Engineer And Android Developer, Engineering in Unc Charlotte (2016-05 - 2016-08)
Undergraduate Summer Math Research, Education, Researcher in Berea College (2015-05 - 2015-07)
Xhafer Rama locations:
Winston Salem, North Carolina, United States
San Diego, California, United States
Windsor, Connecticut, United States
Greenville, South Carolina, United States
Georgetown, Ohio, United States
+ 12 more
Xhafer Rama contact information:
23+16*******92 + 22 more
85j****@s******.com + 84 more
64linkedin + 63 more
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