Xheladin Hajrullai email & phone information | Tercã¼Man in Komaş A.Ş Ti̇Ran Şubesi̇ (2015-05 - Now)

Xheladin Hajrullai
Tercã¼Man in Komaş A.Ş Ti̇Ran Şubesi̇ (2015-05 - Now)
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Xheladin Hajrullai jobs:
Tercã¼Man in Komaş A.Ş Ti̇Ran Şubesi̇ (2015-05 - Now)
Telefon Operatã Rã¼, Operations in Telda Communications Sh.P.K (2015-03 - 2015-05)
Koordiì Natã R - Diå Iì Liì Å Kiì Ler Departmani in Vitrina Sh.P.K (2014-03 - 2014-09)
Muhasebeciì in Geleceği̇N Alternati̇Fi̇ Alsar Vakfi (2012-01 - 2012-12)
Balkanlar Masasä Danä Å Man Yard in Bab-I Alem Uluslararası Öğrenci Derneği (2008-08 - 2011-07)
Xheladin Hajrullai contact information:
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