Xian Shu Zhou email & phone information | Warehouse Manager in Swire Beverages (2009-09-01 - Now)

Xian Shu Zhou (102 years old)
Warehouse Manager in Swire Beverages (2009-09-01 - Now)
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Xian Shu Zhou jobs:
Warehouse Manager in Swire Beverages (2009-09-01 - Now)
Inventory Coordinator in Tree Island Steel (2008-12 - 2009-06)
Buyer in Galcam (2005-06 - 2005-11)
General Manager Of Marketing And Distribution In China Area, Operations, Logistics in Neosonic Group (2000-10 - 2004-09)
Procurement Supervisor in Fiberhome Networks (1999-09 - 2000-10)
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Xian Shu Zhou locations:
**.*************, -**.*************
Ny, New York, *** W ***Th St Apt *E
Nanjing, Jiangsu, China
Xian Shu Zhou contact information:
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