Xiangming Zhang email & phone information | Senior Research Scientist, Education, Researcher in Johnson & Johnson (2018-11 - Now)
Xiangming Zhang
Senior Research Scientist, Education, Researcher in Johnson & Johnson (2018-11 - Now)
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Xiangming Zhang jobs:
Senior Research Scientist, Education, Researcher in Johnson & Johnson (2018-11 - Now)
Research Associate, Education, Researcher in Johnson & Johnson (2016-11 - 2018-11)
Principle Research Scientist, Education, Researcher in Zhejiang Zhengming Medical Device (2015-09 - 2016-10)
Research Associate, Education, Researcher in Loma Linda Veteran Healthcare System (2013-12 - 2015-07)
Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Education, Researcher in University Of Oklahoma (2008-08 - 2010-08)
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Xiangming Zhang locations:
** Long Mdw, Irvine Ca *****-****
**** Ridgecrest Ct Apt ***, Norman Ok *****-****
** Costa Brava, Irvine Ca *****-****
Apt ****, **** N **Th East Ave, Owasso Ok *****-****
Los Angeles, California, United States
Xiangming Zhang contact information:
3+14*******68 + 2 more
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