Xiaogen Yang email & phone information | Creative Excellence Manager, Design, Product_Design in The Coca-Cola Company (2019-05 - Now)

Xiaogen Yang
Creative Excellence Manager, Design, Product_Design in The Coca-Cola Company (2019-05 - Now)
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Xiaogen Yang jobs:
Creative Excellence Manager, Design, Product_Design in The Coca-Cola Company (2019-05 - Now)
Ç ¹È Æ Æ Ï¼ Å ¼È ϼ ϼ Å Å ½Ä Šϼ Å Å Ç Å ¼Å in 茶学国家重点实验室,安徽农业大学 (2017-03 - Now)
Assistant Creative Excellence Manager, Design, Product_Design in The Coca-Cola Company (2018-07 - 2019-04)
Marketing Management Trainee, Marketing in The Coca-Cola Company (2016-02 - 2018-06)
Director, Global Tea Research And Asia Pacific R And D Analytical Science, Education, Researcher in The Coca-Cola Company (2012-04 - 2016-06)
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Xiaogen Yang contact information:
4r******@1**.com + 3 more
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