Xiaomei Guo email & phone information | Student in Sheffield Hallam University (2011-09 - Now)

Xiaomei Guo
Student in Sheffield Hallam University (2011-09 - Now)
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Xiaomei Guo jobs:
Student in Sheffield Hallam University (2011-09 - Now)
Volunteer - Runner in The Children'S Media Conference (2012-07 - 2012-07)
Marketing And Staging Team Worker, Marketing in Chinese New Year Celebration Sheffield Chinese Committee Britain (2011-10 - 2012-02)
Events Team Assistant, Public_Relations, Events in Sheffield Hallam Union Volunteering (2011-10 - 2012-01)
Exhibition Volunteering in Confucius Academic Institute South Korea (2010-04 - 2010-06)
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Xiaomei Guo contact information:
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