Xiaomei Wang email & phone information | ȵ Æ Ä¾ ź É ¾Ç Ç Å È Æ Å É ¾É in Ibm (2006-04 - Now)

Xiaomei Wang
ȵ Æ Ä¾ ź É ¾Ç Ç Å È Æ Å É ¾É in Ibm (2006-04 - Now)
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Xiaomei Wang jobs:
ȵ Æ Ä¾ ź É ¾Ç Ç Å È Æ Å É ¾É in Ibm (2006-04 - Now)
Complex Bid Manager in Ibm (2011-03 - Now)
Software Development Manager, Engineering, Software in Ibm
Software Engineer - Manager, Engineering, Software in Ibm (2014-07 - Now)
Global Big Data And Analytics Cross-Industry And Communications Sector Leader, Human_Resources in Ibm (2015-04 - Now)
+ 58 more
Xiaomei Wang locations:
Zhejiang, China
Ottawa, Canada
Shanghai, Shanghai, China
Liaoning, China
+ 12 more
Xiaomei Wang contact information:
2+13*******94 + 1 more
33p**********@h******.com + 32 more
64linkedin + 63 more
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Ä Å ½ | È Ä Æ Æ
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