Xiupeng Xie email & phone information | Cofounder Of Cloud Computing, Engineering, Devops in Yonghui Superstores (2017-08 - Now)

Xiupeng Xie (50 years old)
Cofounder Of Cloud Computing, Engineering, Devops in Yonghui Superstores (2017-08 - Now)
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Xiupeng Xie jobs:
Cofounder Of Cloud Computing, Engineering, Devops in Yonghui Superstores (2017-08 - Now)
Senior Partner Lead in Entrepreneur (2015-08-01 - Now)
Chief Information Officer, Group Vice President, Engineering, Information_Technology
Aiparkï¼ Ç Æ³ Ƚ ϼ Æ ºæ ĺ É Ç Æ Æ É
Head Of Product And Technology Center Æ È¾ ĺ Å Å Ä Ç Ç Æ É Å Å Ç Μå Šĺ Ä Å, Operations, Product in Yonghui Yunchuang Business Management (2015-08 - Now)
+ 15 more
Xiupeng Xie contact information:
2x*********@h******.com + 1 more
6github + 5 more
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