Xochitl Orozco email & phone information | Junior Art Director, Design in Wunderman Thompson

Xochitl Orozco (32 years old)
Junior Art Director, Design in Wunderman Thompson
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Xochitl Orozco jobs:
Junior Art Director, Design in Wunderman Thompson
Shift Supervisor in Starbucks (2011-06 - Now)
Graduate Student in The Creative Circus (2018-04 - Now)
Senior Resident Assistant in San Jose State University (2015-01 - 2017-05)
Social Media Strategist, Media in Milagro Marketing Llc (2016-01 - 2017-01)
+ 3 more
Xochitl Orozco locations:
Apt *, **** Briarcliff Rd Ne, Atlanta Ga *****-****
Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Az, Phoenix, **** S **Th Ln
**.*******, -***.*******
United States, California, San Jose
Xochitl Orozco contact information:
3+19*******81 + 2 more
3m**********@g****.com + 2 more
4linkedin + 3 more
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