Xochitl Rodriguez email & phone information | Gerente De Materiales Y Compras in Precision Resource, Inc. (2016-03 - Now)

Xochitl Rodriguez
Gerente De Materiales Y Compras in Precision Resource, Inc. (2016-03 - Now)
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Xochitl Rodriguez jobs:
Gerente De Materiales Y Compras in Precision Resource, Inc. (2016-03 - Now)
Regional Purchasing, Finance, Accounting in Motus Integrated Technologies (2017-10 - Now)
Direct Buyer in Macimex S.A. De C.V. (2018-08 - Now)
Senior Purchasing And Materials Coordinator, Finance, Accounting in Precision Resource, Inc. (2015-03 - 2016-03)
Mro Senior Buyer in Lear Corporation (2011-10 - 2015-03)
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Xochitl Rodriguez contact information:
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