Xpistos Lamprou email & phone information | Shadowing And Volunteer Coaching in Shadowing Volunteer Coaching (2009-01 - Now)

Xpistos Lamprou
Shadowing And Volunteer Coaching in Shadowing Volunteer Coaching (2009-01 - Now)
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Xpistos Lamprou jobs:
Shadowing And Volunteer Coaching in Shadowing Volunteer Coaching (2009-01 - Now)
2O International Conference Football About Organized By Super League Greece On in 2O International Conference Football About Organized By Super League Greece On 20 21 22 Management (2014-07 - 2014-07)
Observation Coaching Goalkeepers In Russia In Groups in Observation Coaching Goalkeepers In Russia In Groups (2014-02 - 2014-03)
Goalkeepers Coach in Iraklis Psachna Fc (2013-07 - 2013-10)
Coerver Coaching First Youth Diploma - September 2013 in Coerver Coaching First Youth Diploma September 2013 Speakers Alf Galustian Leonidas Kouvaras P (2013-09 - 2013-10)
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