Xu Jenny email & phone information | Sales Manager, Sales, Accounts in Scanlan International, Inc. (2019-01 - Now)

Xu Jenny
Sales Manager, Sales, Accounts in Scanlan International, Inc. (2019-01 - Now)
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Xu Jenny jobs:
Sales Manager, Sales, Accounts in Scanlan International, Inc. (2019-01 - Now)
Area Sales Manager, Sales, Accounts in Conmed Corporation (2001-06 - 2016-09)
Senior Sales Representative, Sales, Accounts in Sino Swed Pharmaceutical (2001-03 - 2001-05)
Specialist Of Nutrition, Health, Wellness in Abbot Laboratories (2000-01 - 2000-12)
Sales Representative, Sales, Accounts in Shering-Plough Pharmaceutical (1996-11 - 1999-12)
Xu Jenny contact information:
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