Xueling Shen email & phone information | Consultant in Pharmeng Technology (2016-04 - 2016)

Xueling Shen
Consultant in Pharmeng Technology (2016-04 - 2016)
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Xueling Shen jobs:
Consultant in Pharmeng Technology (2016-04 - 2016)
Health Product And Food Branch, Inspectorate, Operations, Product in Health Canada (2015-09 - 2015-12)
Quality Assurance Intern in Sporometrics (2013-10 - 2014-01)
Gmp Auditing Assistant in Zhejiang Food And Drug Administration (2013-01 - 2013-02)
Regulatory Affairs Associate, Legal in Zhejiang Medicines And Health Products Import And Export Co., Ltd (2012-10 - 2012-11)
+ 1 more
Xueling Shen contact information:
2x******.****@h*-**.gc.ca + 1 more
2linkedin + 1 more
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